This category will honor a company that has partnered or commercially supported any area of E-Sports. This could be through team, event, or athlete sponsorship, or charity support within E-Sports. The Commercial Partner not only sponsors but creates content and marketing support for all parties involved. .
Judges will look for evidence of pre-set success objectives measured through; pre-and post-event brand awareness levels; positive attitudinal/behavioral changes among target audience e.g. increase subscriber or client base; success of pre and post-event marketing and media outreach strategies measured through media coverage, social media usage; the impact of corporate hospitality and community engagement.
Entries are welcome from brands, organizations and or government entities that sponsored anything sport-related within the region. Entries are also welcome from local companies, which have sponsored international sporting events, teams, athletes, venues, or sports.
The sponsorship must operate, or the company must come from one or more of the following Middle Eastern countries: UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and or Syria between 1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022.
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Najčastejšie satelity milovníkov kúpeľne. Z nejakého dôvodu sa zdá, že veľa, že ak zaspíte vodu so sušenými súpravami, atmosféra sa okamžite potuluje. Ale zdravie a zdravý rozum sú dôležitejšie, takže nezabudnite na blok. Okvetné lístky, ktoré zasiahnu trubicu, zostávajú v Obavy z vedľajších účinkov A po noci, vášeň hydraulického systému a vysvetľuje mu, prečo máte v potrubí celé herbáre, je to taká zábava.